
Apple Support

Apple computer, notebook and device repair service. We offer support for Apple computers and notebooks, software updates, intizialization and system configuration. We also offer support for devices (iPhone, Ipad ecc..), software updates and system recovery. Data transfer between devices (both apple/apple and apple/other) and service / software configuration.

PC & notebook Support

PC & notebook Support Software recovery and installation, virus cleaning. Complete hardware cleaning. Software Reinstallation Windows, Apple and Server operating systems installation, configuration and recovery. Update/optimization Software and OS update. System optimization and speed-up. Virus/Spyware Is your computer behaving abnormally? Is it slow? does it shut off or reboot on [...]

Notebook Support

We offer support for all notebook brands., component replacement, complete hardware cleaning, software reinstall, virus cleaning. We service all notebook brands. Virus, Spyware Your notebook is behaving abnormally when connected to the internet? It’s slow, shutting off or restarting by itself? You most likely got a virus. We will scan […]

Remote Support

Remote assistance service to have fast and practical computer help. Through special software we are able to connect to you computer through the Internet. Our technical support can intervene and fix your computer as if we were directly at your location. With this tool you can get a technician to […]